Saturday, July 9, 2011

Combining Brotherlocks

Greetings! I have been working for the past 8 hours on my husband’s Brotherlocks.  I think his locks are gorgeous, but he would like for them to be a little bigger in size (about the size of a pencil). 

He has about 450 brotherlocks, and I am on a mission to cut that number in half.  I know combining his brotherlocks are going to take a LONG time since he has SO much thick, curly hair. 

I am starting by doing a re-tightening & combining at the same time.  When I retightened his hair this time, I combined two brotherlocks together, and let the two locks hanging loose.  When I have time, I will eventually go back and combine all of the loose brotherlocks.  This is probably going to take about 20/30 hours total.  Since I am Loving My Locks, I guess I gotta make it so he can Love His Locks too J

1 comment:

  1. Bless you and your fingers for the work you have embarked upon.
